Sunday, February 20, 2011


I always write journals when I'm sad, and it's quite depressing to reflect over. SO I've decided to write a happy journal, being in the happy mood that I am.

I survived midterms (kind of), and am now on midterm break. This makes me so so happy because I was probably going to explode if I had another hell week at mun. I seriously don't remember doing anything last week except for reading. I would like to pay thanks to florence and the bys for creating wonderful music and helping me get through myself

I would also like to thank the americans (never thought I'd say that) for making a base in stephenville; thus giving me my wonderful cancer ridden friends <3<3 (at least i think the history is something like that, i could be way off), either way - i loves my stephenville friends!

I feel like there's a million other thing's i want to thank too (sierra & the gym, sarah & her photoshoots, smitty being sofuckingconsideringandcuteicouldpunchhimintheface, gracie...) but I will never stop so I'm going to instead go watch friends, because I can hear it from the tv :)


  1. I give thanks for Gracie every moment of my life. Hahaha.
    Glad things are picking up! Miss you!

  2. glad to hear ya sounding so happy Miz Pope! Glad my Americanized cancer-ridden self and my constant desire to FEEL THE BURN have contributed <3
