lately i have been just LOVIN' on life, and i seem to have found my the key to my happiness: involvement
I finally got off my ass and joined SIFE (students in free enterprise)! I'm already really excited about it. The project I'm most involved with right now is helping connect people with disabilities with possible employment. 65% of people with disabilities in Newfoundland don't have jobs! We had two round table discussions with local businesses, and another with not-for profit organizations about this issue,and have a third planned for next week for those with disabilities. During the discussions the most common issue that came up was a lack of a clear resource for organizations to find these potential employees, so we're going to create this resource! It's a big project but I'm really excited to take part in it!!
I've been really busy lately but it's in a good way. Getting outside more, getting involved, studying my ass off (exam time yayy..).
Thanks for letting me share
Good! Getting involved in shit and being productive is def key to happiness.