Dad comes back today. No more driving 2 hours a day for me! Phew. I really didn't play this Flatrock card right... It would have been so much fun to move out here with a cute boy and cook meals all day, and ski and hike and cuddle and and and lots of other cute thing's. However said cute boy does not exist, or at least is not in cuddle vicinity. Though I did have some good times with Joey, coming out here and smoking up. This would be a great place to live with a bunch of people if we all had transportation into town (and infinity gas money...) Oh it would be so cute!
Interview this morning went pleasantly well, despite my high pre-anxiety. Jeez, i need meds. I really hope I get the job, but more importantly I hope that I like the job... I guess I will stay until March to save moulah for Ireland. And hopefully by the time I go there the rain will be non-existent. Hah, as if. I am still terribly disappointed about my bar tending course though....
I guess that's all I have to say right now. Go me for writing in this more then once! But alas the Princess is calling for me... (what am I gonna do when i finish this game... )
Au revoir!
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